Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Building an Online Business – What is the Value of ‘Free’

When you join many of the affiliate programs or independent distributor opportunities online, you will be given some resources to help you promote the product or service. These programs want you to succeed in selling for them so they are going to help you to a certain degree. These resources are very valuable to you if you are not technical and really don’t want to get all involved in development. You just want to earn commissions by advertising and marketing a decent product or service.

free offers

You could stand out by offering something free if they will subscribe to your messages or try the program you are promoting. You can get free reports and eBooks for example from different PLR (private label rights) programs (or write something yourself) and then offer it to them. People love to get free stuff. However sometimes you get ‘freebie seekers’ or ‘tire kickers’ – they really have no interest or sincere intention of doing anything, but they just want to get something – anything for free.

One thing people need when they are starting out is advice. So you could offer for example a 30 minute live chat where you could answer questions about your program which would have a two-fold purpose. One is to give them more information about the purchase they may make so that they feel more secure or confident in it; and the other is to build a relationship with them so that they will take your advice, for example to join a program in your downline and represent a commission for you.

You could offer to do a service for them – just anything that you have learned to do – research keywords for SEO and give them the report, write a sales article they can use on their blog, show them how to post to their blog or do it for them, create a Skidoo lense or HubPage for them, show them how to use it and post the first article for them. Anything you can do to help them take control of their own business could help you in many ways in the long-run. If it doesn’t result in a direct sale then if nothing else you earned some good karma for helping someone.

One of the most powerful things is ‘paying it forward’ – This really can work risk-free or you can accept the risk and realize it will be a business income tax deduction as are most things you pay for in the process of running your online business. You should really find out all the deductions you may be entitled to from your state and federal tax websites.

Let’s say the cost of what you are selling is $20 – and your commission for selling it is $10. You can offer to pay $10 for their first payment (making it 1/2 price for them). The bet is they stay in and the second month you get to keep your $10, and every month going forward. Chances are if you keep the relationship going by staying in contact, they will stay for a while, and subsequently each month you will receive the commission. This adds up at the end of the day.


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