Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Author Archive | Mark Motondi


Goal Setting for the New Home Business Entrepreneur

There is a fine art to setting goals in a way that will actually help you accomplish your objectives for your home business. Above all else be realistic; Goals like ‘be a millionaire by Friday’ just will not suffice – even by Monday! Make it something that is achievable by your direct actions over time […]

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Developing a Successful Home Business

Staying focused and motivated are some of the main keys to developing a successful home business. At start-up, these skills are necessary to create a plan and get the information and training you need to develop your ideas. It is not possible to achieve your goals without first having a plan of action regarding the […]

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Building a Home Business: Focus on Your Target

There are lots of reasons why you may not be able to totally focus on your target when you are planning on building a home business; probably as many reasons as there are hours in the day. Many other things constantly demand your attention and interrupt you repeatedly. Life gets in the way. You may […]

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Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

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