‘Autopilot’ is short for ‘automatic pilot’. This word has been adopted in Internet marketing strategies to describe “business in a box” models. Let’s understand what autopilot is and isn’t. Look at the associations to some keywords from the first paragraph of the Wikipedia description of ‘autopilot’ that are relevant to Internet affiliate marketing: “An autopilot […]
Author Archive | Mark Motondi
Earning Online Business Income Really Can Be Done
It really is possible that something can happen if you see that it has been done before by others. It’s possible that if they can, so can you. It is no longer a ‘pipe dream’ or some far out imagination of what it would be like to be in charge of your own business. However […]
Do You Think You Can Start a Successful Online Home Business?
Look at this question this way: You have to think you can. There is so much you can glean from this little saying by Henry Ford: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right”. When you think you can do something then you will try to […]