When you first start out to build a business there are numerous details and there may be a lot to learn. It can be overwhelming unless you have an organized plan. Don’t try to do it all at once but make a few lists. Have one that includes everything and then pick a few things […]
Author Archive | Mark Motondi
Why Do You Want to Start a Home Business?
Most people likely would just say they want to start a home business to make money. To what degree depends on the individual circumstances. It could be extra money to pay bills because the regular paycheck is not ‘stretching’ as far as necessary. It could be extra money for some special thing like a vacation […]
The Importance of Choosing a Good Affiliate Program
Before spending your money on anything, of course you want to be fully aware of what you are actually buying into. You need to know if you can afford it, and if it meets your requirements. You need to be sure that you will be able to use it effectively (does the program include training, […]